Length of time: 6-9 minutes
Felt Stories
Age: 2-3 Years
Pre-Reading Knowledge Standard: S 3
Objective: The goal of this activity is to bring books alive by acting out the story using felt shaped characters. When you have finished reading, model for your child how to act it out. This helps the child recall what happened in the story.
Materials needed:
- Felt
- Liquid Paint (or permanent markers)
- Patterns
- Scissors
What to Do:
- Cut out paper patterns for the story you have chosen. Pin patterns to felt and cut out.
- Use liquid paint or markers to draw details on the characters.
- Copy off the stories.
- Leaf through old coloring books. Choose a character and color. Cover with clear contact paper on the front and glue a piece of felt on the back. These can be used to tell the stories you read about or make up.
- Some examples to look for could be:
- Color recognition
- Shape recognition
- Tall-Short
- Big-Little
- Long-Short