PreReading (0-1 & 1 – 2 Years Old)

Length of time: 30 seconds – 6 minutes

Nursery Rhymes & Finger Plays

Age: 0-1 & 1-2 Years

Objective: The goal of this activity is to begin to memorize a series of finger plays and nursery rhymes.

Materials needed:

  • Nursery Rhymes
  • Index Cards 
  • Pen
  • Tape

What to Do:

  1. Copy off the Nursery Rhymes onto individual index cards.
  2. Place copies of the cards by the changing table, in the car or on the windowsill by the kitchen sink.
  3. While at a stop light, washing dishes or changing a diaper, you can sing the nursery rhyme to your child. Act out the motions with your fingers and move their fingers as you model what to do.

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