Length of time: 3 – 6 minutes
Early Learning Standards for Literacy
Benchmark 1.2 child uses language to communicate ideas. Example: Coos, gurgles, smiles in response to stimulation.
- Plays simple imitation games like “Patty Cake”, “Twinkle, twinkles little star”.
- Imitates sounds or facial expressions of others.
- Gazes at pictures in books and pats individual pictures.
- Sits on adult’s lap while adult reads books or points out pictures in a book.
- May recognize favorite books by their covers.
Attention span: 3-6 minutes
Comments: Share your child’s age, and if boy or girl.
- What were some of your child’s first words?
- Share an examples from the questions listed above.
- Does your child have a favorite book, if so, what is it?