Length of time for activity: approximately 4-6 minutes
In the State Early Learning Standards, the School Readiness Indicator States: The entering kindergartner uses blocks, beads, or other materials to make and extend patterns. Benchmark 2.1: Uses the attributes of objects for comparison and patterning.
Materials Needed:
⦁ Bowl
⦁ (2) of each: Various assortment of crackers in different shapes such as circle, Square, triangle, rectangle etc.
*Note: Have materials gathered and have ready.
In a bowl for snack time, place different shaped crackers where there are at least two of every shape. Then take out a cracker one at a time and ask your child, “Lets find the other cracker that looks just like this one.” Can you find it?
If your child is getting closer to the age of three, you could add this to the activity. You will use two of the pairs for this next game. Alternate the crackers so there is a circle cracker, then a square cracker, then a circle cracker. Ask your child, which crack would come next? (The answer would be the square cracker.)
For the comment section below, please share any of the following:
- Age of your child, boy or girl.
- Share what crackers you used.
- Could your child find the shape (cracker) that matched? (Help your child to be successful and see that learning can be fun).
- Describe what you did and their response.
- What did it feel like to know you taught your child something today that will be helpful in building a foundation for later school learning to build on?